When it's about software development, routing contributes to mapping all of the incoming requests to the handlers and generating URLs used during responses. Routing in .NET Core has been rewritten right from the roots.
Earlier, routing with Web API and MVC was somehow similar. However, different codes and frameworks were used for doing the same thing by both of them. A major difference is that RESTful routes were supported by Web API by default.
Later, Microsoft decided to unify and rebuild the framework of routing. Currently, what is applicable for Web API, is also applicable for MVC.
In this blog, we have outlined in detail about routing and its benefits as well as mentioned essential ways to create routing in .NET Core.
RESTfully configured routing contributes to your content’s SEO (Search Engine Optimization). The URL of a website is the vital part that influences the website's ranking, and including key phrases in your URL will help your site to rank higher.
Additionally, when your URL is descriptive, it becomes easier for the users to appropriately anticipate the content. It results in increased time on page, which also influences the allover authority of your page besides your SEO.
An incoming request will be mapped to a physical file without routing. When you have routing, you will get to have total control of the incoming request. This will allow you to decide what controller and action to execute in case of certain incoming HTTP requests.
With routing, the URL is shortened instantly, where multiple filters and parameters are already in play. As the file extension are eliminated, you can hide the kind of environment in which you are working.
There are five ways in which you can take advantage of the above-mentioned benefits:
The default route can be defined by convention in the Startup class in your project. Make sure that the essential configuration is present in your project.
After configuring the default route successfully, you may want to extend it by including customized routes according to particular needs. You may use the MapRoute() method for adding the configuration.
By utilizing attributes in your actions and controller, you can configure the routes.
For declaring a RESTful controller, you need to follow the correct configuration. At some point, you may stop using the Route attributes for actions. Rather, you can decorate it with HttpPut, HttpPost, HttpGet, and HttpDelete attributes.
You can use constraints for restricting the value type that you pass to actions. Us curly brackets for declaring constraints in attributes. When you add a question mark to constraints, it assures that the parameter is optional. You can also define constraints in default routes declared in the startup class.
If you are routing in .NET Core, you need to be sure about your configuration. Keep it correct, and use the attributes carefully. Routing is no longer an old concept and has evolved in many ways, and .NET Core has contributed the most to routing. It is already in development; therefore, it can be expected to add more features, enabling the developers to put less effort and get better output.
With this brief guide, we have outlined some of the key steps and benefits related to routing. We hope this information will be helpful to you.
Moreover, if you wish to develop top-notch software for your business for higher productivity and scalability, contact our development experts at Polyxer Systems today.